Synopsis: This movie has two film titles: The Miracle Match and The Game of their Lives. The story is about the 1950s American Soccer team, based on a real life event, the 1950 World cup soccer match between USA and United Kingdom.
The movie stars Gerard Butler from a younger period.
Starring: Gerard Butler, Wes Bentley, Jay Rodan, Gavin Rossdale, Costas Mandylor, Louis Mandylor, Zachery Ty Bryan, Jimmy Jean-Louis, Richard Jenik, Nelson Vargas, Craig Hawksley, Bill Smitrovich, Patrick Stewart, Terry Kinney, John Rhys-Davies
DVD Subtitles: English, French and Spanish.
DVD Special features: Photos and information on the American National Soccer Hall of Fame Museum.
DVD Release date: September 12th 2006 (UK). Also released worldwide.
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Game of their lives film trailer
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